Sunday, January 25, 2009

Entering Cabin Fever Country

Native Mainers recognize the inevitability of that mid to late winter phenomenon known as cabin fever. It's brought on by limited daylight, favorite teams either out of contention or not playing at the moment, snow, more snow, too damn much snow and a mix of salt and slippery conditions everywhere, depressing news, cold and a general limitation on outdoor activity unless you're a skier, snowboarder or like running naked from the sauna to a hole chopped through the ice where you jump into water cold enough to provoke immediate cardiac trauma.
Symptoms include buying strange food or really useless things on eBay, depression, familial homicide, rudeness to close friends, embarrassing behavior at town meeting and a recurring thought that maybe moving to Florida and taking up shuffleboard might not be such a bad idea.
Fortunately we have a built in series of cures. First, the Red Sox start spring training and 98% of the population starts getting wicked hyped over the thought of kicking the crap out of the Yankees all summer. Snow starts melting and seed catalogs clog the mailbox.


Unknown said...

You entered my bloggy giveaway on my blog, but based on your library/tween comment, I wanted to be sure you saw my books site, 5 Minutes for Books. In fact, I just recently wrote about how my daughter's school and librarian specifically encouraged reading:

Latharia said...

You are too funny!!! :D

Crystal said...

You're a winner!

Barb said...

Thanks for entering my ugly quilt giveaway....good luck

Ilissa said...

Congratulations! You are the winner of the Mountains of the Moon giveaway that was held on my blog 'Everything Up Close'. You have won a $50 gift certificate for Mountains of the Moon! Please send me an email with your mailing address. As soon as I receive your information, I will pass it on to the sponsor. They will be mailing out your gift certificate. Unfortunately, if I do not hear from you within 48 hours, I will have to pick a new winner.

Thank you for participating in my giveaway! Remember, I host new giveaways each and every week! I hope to see you again soon.

Warmest Regards,

Everything Up Close
Featuring new product reviews & giveaways every week!